Friday, January 29, 2010

New Year, Getting Up To Date.

We have been busy bees (or is that Job-bees? haha..heh..) since I last posted! We had our Installation and installed our Bethel Guardian Council, we now have a new Bethel Guardian, Mrs. Lohmeyer, which is very exciting. We also have a new council member, Mrs. Edwards and we are looking forward to working with her, she is so much fun!
Right after our installation, on that very same night in fact, we had our big Christmas party! We ate cookies, drank hot cocoa, and made fantastic decorative Christmas trees. Then we opened traditional English Christmas crackers with paper crowns inside, and did our gift exchange. All the girls had a good time, check out the pictures in our gallery!
Christmas Party

Since then we have had a couple of meetings and are working hard on perfecting the work for our offices this term. Suzannah, as the highest officer, has taken on the task of being our presiding officer at our meetings, even though she is not yet Honored Queen, in addition to her duties as Junior Princess. Caitlin has been working on bringing us excellent Librarian's Reports to make our meetings more interesting. On January 28th we visited an Eastern Star chapter in San Diego to say hello and tell them about Job's Daughters and what we do, and how our Bethel in Chula Vista is doing. Hopefully it inspired some of them to bring girls to join us in our fun. The girls showed off their Bethel robes in the presentation. After the meeting we went to Starbucks and discussed some upcoming fun activities and Leadership Camp.

Saturday the adults are going to the special adult volunteer training, and then we have a meeting on Monday, so you'll be hearing from us again soon. Until then, this is your webmistress Ashleigh, signing off!!


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